Weekly On-line Bulletin


December 22, 2024

WELCOME… to Farmland Community Church!  We are glad that you are with us today.  We pray that as you worship the Lord  you will experience the true love of Christ and be encouraged by the words and music that you hear today!  If you are viewing our online bulletin we hope you enjoy this version. 

~If you are visiting with us, please take a moment to fill out the contact form located under the "more" tab at the top. We would love to communicate by email with you. We welcome you in any of our Worship Services, Join with us by  Facebook or You Tube too. 




Sunday        9:00 am Discipleship Groups-Bible Study/KIDz Breakfast

               10:00 am PRAISE & WORSHIP/KIDz Worship

                     5:00 pm       Sunday Conversations - "The Tabernacle"

Tuesday       6:30 pm       Board of Directors' Mtg. (1st week)

Wednesday   5:30 pm       Homeless Shelter Meal (1st week)

                     6:00 pm       Mid-Week “Recharge” / Children in Action

                                             2nd Wk.  -Church Planning Mtg.

                                             3rd Wk.  after 3rd Sun.-Ministry Celebration

Thursday     12:30 pm       The Lunch Bunch (no meeting this month)

                                               FOOD PANTRY (4th Thurs.) 12/26


Acts 2:42 - They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship, 

to the breaking of bread and to prayer... 

“Apostles' Doctrine – Fellowship – Breaking of Bread – Prayer”       


INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS December & Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

All donations to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering go to support Southern Baptist missionaries. The money helps with missionaries' salaries, food, rent, clothing, language studies, and travel. It also helps pay for their children's school. 

Our goal for this offering has been set at $1,000 Amount received to date: $470



We began 02/22/24, and will be sharing a set amount of groceries for those who are in need in our church and community. This is a very limited amount but will help with those families who are in need. 

Food Pantry will be open the 4th Thursday each month, 10 am–12 pm  This month - 12/26 (Tuesday)



THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE JOINED IN AND HELPED WITH THIS YEAR'S PHH!  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!  We were able to help 20 families by providing Thanksgiving & Christmas Food and provided gifts for Christmas.  The families came by yesterday and picked up their Food and Gifts!  If you were not able to help by purchasing food or gifts, please know that you can still help by making a monetary donation - the cost of each holiday's food was $200 per holiday-per family - but any amount will help!  You can write a check or give cash and designate it to PROJECT HELPING HANDS!  

THANK YOU ALL!  -Please remember to pray for all the families!


Join us for:  MID WEEK ReCHARGE – Wednesday Nights at

 6:00 pm – Prayer & Bible Study 



If you would like to know more about Jesus , Salvation or Baptism, 

please speak to Bro. Frankie or one of our Board of Directors




DECEMBER:Missions Emphasis:  Project Helping Hands / Lottie Moon Christmas Offering  

12/22 9:00 am – Discipleship Groups: Adults/Youth/KIDz Church

          10:00 am – Praise & Worship  / KIDz Church

                 “A Farmland CHRISTmas”  - Scriptures and Songs of the Season

            5:00 pm – Sunday Conversations Bible Study – The Tabernacle

12/24  6:00 pm – Special  Christmas Eve Prayer Service

12/25 “Merry CHRISTmas!” - No Services – Enjoy time with your family!

12/26 10 am – 12 noon – Food Pantry

12/29  Regular Sunday Schedule

12/31  New Year's Eve

01/01/2025 - Happy New Year!


A N N O U N C E M E N T S  &  P R O J E C T S

YOUTH GROUP- join us for breakfast & Bible Study Sunday at 9:00  Watch your Bulletin and Announcements for more Events!    

CHILDREN IN ACTION - HEY KIDZ!!!  We had a great time of games, food & Missions last Wed. night.  Make plans to join us each week at 6 pm downstairs for: Note: We will not meet December 25th.



THIS MONTH: December - Norway

See You Each Wednesday – Bring A Friend!!

All children kindergarten thru 6th. grade are encouraged to participate in Wednesday night missions!  Mrs. Tracy will be leading our children in mission's study and activities.  

*CHILDREN IN ACTION (CIA) is a coed group designed for boys and girls to come to faith in Christ as Savior while making missions an important part of their daily lives. They learn what it means to live a missional lifestyle while they participate in Bible studies, missions projects and engaging activities. 

Are you receiving the Farmland Prayer Sheet each week??  

Are you checking the Bulletin that's posted each week on our webpage? 

If  not, please give us your email address - Go to our Webpage:  www.farmland.church and hit the blue button to sign up. or write it on a piece of paper and place it in the Offering Box or send it by text to  423-715-2431   THANKS!

MID-WEEK “ReChargeis happening every Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m.  Join us as we have Bible Study and Prayer Time.  



KIDz Breakfast Club at 9:00 am  - ALL YOUTH, please join us! Watch your Bulletin and Announcements for more Events!  

 KIDz Worship - after the Music Service-  each Sunday -downstairs



  1st-Melissa / 2nd-Bekki/ 3rd-Katie / 4th-Kathryn/ 5th-Worship Time with Family  - CAN YOU HELP?? See Bekki

 **Nursery Coordinators THANK YOU TO... Buffy Waymire, Marianna Wingard, Linda Hubbard  and Abbey Lowe for taking care of our Babies-4 yr. old's – if you would like to help one Sunday a month, please let the ladies know!

YOUTH GROUP-join us for breakfast & Bible Study each Sunday at 9:00-See Traci!


Happy "DECEMBER" Birthday Farmland Family!

12/03 Faye Batts

                                     12/09 Aimee Harrod                                   

     12/10 Jack Adkisson, Tenley Adkisson, Geri Waltermon

12/11 Faith LeGrand 

12/12 Donna Robinson 

12/13 Cyndi Thompson 

12/14 Retha Parker / Mike Webb  

12/15 Ashlyn Gravelle - Ervine

12/16 Memphis Gravelle, Tori Hudson

12/19 Judy Adkisson / Brandon Bowen

12/26 Christy Chisholm

12/27 Jennifer Carroll

12/29 Kathryn Ervin    

Do you have a "DECEMBER" Birthday? - Please let us know! 

Simply fill out the contact info on this website so that we may have your information

 or call the church office to update your profile. Do we have your birthday on the list? 

 If not, let us know – see Trena or Tammy V 



FARMLAND FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY - We began 02/22/24, and will be sharing a set amount of groceries for those who are in need in our church and community. This is a very limited amount but will help with those families who are in need. Our -Food Pantry will be open the 4th Thursday each month, 10 am–12 pm.  This Month - Tuesday 12/26

Mid-Week Prayer Email Update - If you would like to receive the online edition of the Wednesday prayer sheet, please sign-up through the contact tab on this webpage and submit your email address.  Updates and prayer additions may also be made thru the tabs located at the bottom of the prayer sheet each week by clicking on the links.



...send a card, make a phone call, or visit and share the love of Christ with others...


THE CARING PLACE– “Wishlist Wednesday Needs”- Coat Drive - Bring items to the church or go by the new Caring Place Facility 2400 Bower Ln, Cleveland, TN    


Prayers and Opportunities to Give: New Hope Pregnancy Center. / Family Promise / Foundation House Ministries / The Caring Place / Willowbend / Ocoee Outreach


PROJECT HELPING HANDS … THANKS TO ALL WHO HAVE JOINED IN AND HELPED WITH THIS YEAR'S PHH!  TO GOD BE THE GLORY!  We were able to help 20 families by providing Thanksgiving & Christmas Food and provided gifts for Christmas.  The families came by yesterday and picked up their Food and Gifts!  If you were not able to help by purchasing food or gifts, please know that you can still help by making a monetary donation- the cost of each holiday's food was $200 per holiday-per family- but any amount will help!  You can write a check or give cash and designate it to PROJECT HELPING HANDS!  THANK YOU ALL!  -Please remember to pray for all the families!


WillowBend Farms is hosting a Thanksgiving Food Drive for their survivors of human trafficking – Please check our church's FB page and see a list of items needed – Please pray for this special ministry in our community – for more details – see Deneane Morgan  



Discipleship: 24 Praise & Worship:  64

TOTAL OFFERING 12/08/24: $1,915.00


Discipleship: 28 Praise & Worship:  57

TOTAL OFFERING 12/15/24: $2,880.00





Sunday Breakfast Club begins! 9-9:45

YOUTH are invited to join with the Kidz too!

This week's menu:  Biscuit & Gravy!

"Train up a child in the way he should go;

    even when he is old he will not depart from it."  Proverbs  22:6

Praising the Lord for our Farmland KIDz Ministry – GOD IS GOOD!


 If you would like to know more about

Jesus, Salvation, Baptism or Become a Member of Farmland  

please speak to Pastor Frankie Clement or one of our Board of Directors



The purpose of Farmland Community Church is to glorify God by developing 

fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Worship Center / OFFICE Phone:  423.473.9891   

 Office Hours:  Tuesday & Thursday, 8:00 - 1:00

Power Vs./Prayer Chain  423.715.2431 

Baby Bottle Boomerang! January 5 - February 28th. 

  Bottles will arrive in a few weeks - dig out your spare change for New Hope Pregnancy Center!  As we honor all the work that they do in our community!

Ongoing Ministry: Current needs of the Caring Place are posted as they are made available to us.  Items may be brought to the church or dropped off directly to the Caring Place. Thank you to all who participate! Donations are accepted from 9-1 Monday-Friday, and 5-7 Tuesday evening, or by appointment. 

FARMLAND FOOD PANTRY MINISTRY Each month we will be sharing a set amount of groceries for those who are in need in our church and community. This is a very limited amount but will help with those families who are in need. Our Food Pantry will be open the 4th Thursday each month,

10 am–12 pm

Note: This month 12/26

TO GOD BE THE GLORY!  We were able to help 20 families by providing Thanksgiving & Christmas Food and provided gifts for Christmas.  If you were not able to help by purchasing food or gifts, please know that you can still help by making a monetary donation- the cost of each holiday's food was $200 per holiday-per family- but any amount will help!  You can write a check or give cash and designate it to PROJECT HELPING HANDS!  THANK YOU ALL!  -Please remember to pray for all the families!



Missions Emphasis for this Month

GOAL:  $1,000 

Rec'd To Date:  $470

Each First Wednesday!

Chef Marilyn provides a delicious meal for the folks who stay at the shelter.  Your tithes & offering help fund this ministry Thank you for your on going support!